Cultural Services
Cultural Monitoring
Cultural monitoring is used by Papatipu Rūnanga to protect and manage wāhi tapu and wāhi taonga in the takiwā. Rūnanga often assign cultural monitors to monitor development activities involving ground disturbance in areas identified as high risk with regard to the potential for accidental discoveries. The use of cultural monitors enables Rūnanga to be proactive in ensuring that all precautions are taken to protect wāhi tapu and wāhi taonga. Cultural monitors oversee excavation activity, and are on site to record sites or information that may be revealed, and direct tikanga for handling cultural materials.
Cultural Values Statement
Cultural Values Statements (CVS) identify and explain the cultural values associated with a specific area or resource. While a CVS may include broad level information on issues or outcomes associated with an area, resource or proposed activity, generally these reports differ from a CIA in that they do not include a detailed assessment of effects of an activity, or recommendations to avoid, remedy or mitigate effects. Examples include the use of CVSs to identify and prioritise values associated with a catchment or waterway for the purposes of environmental flow review.
Cultural Impact Assessment
A Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) is a professionally prepared assessment of the impacts of a given activity on tāngata whenua values and interests. CIA reports may be requested by tāngata whenua, councils or applicants. These assessments identify tāngata whenua values associated with a particular site or area and the actual or potential effects of a proposed activity on these, and provide recommendations for measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects. While most often used to provide information for RMA processes (i.e. CIA reports are often part of a resource consent application’s Assessment of Environmental Effects), CIA are also used to provide information for applications under the HSNO Act. CIA reports may be requested by tāngata whenua, councils or applicants.
Planning and Environmental Services
- Environmental and resource management planning services in policy and plan development, resource consent applications, and project development.
- Specialist input on Ngāi Tahu values in policy, plans, resource consent applications and project development.
- Specialist plan drafting services.
- Specialist advice on discharges.
- Training courses for agencies and companies on mana whenua issues, Iwi Management Plans and Iwi engagement.
- Facilitating consultation with papatipu rūnanga.
- Prepare consent applications that minimises risk, cost, and delays.
- Present sound evidence at council, Environment Court, Board of Inquiry or Environment Protection Agency hearings.
- Prepare, review and implement Iwi, public, corporate and individual policies, plans and developments.
- Obtain specific facts and information to support statutory planning or resource management.